Gold Star Family Endowment Program

Gold Star Family Endowment Program

SEAL Family Legacy’s mission is to serve and support Gold Star Families with children. The Gold Star Family Endowment Program does this by providing $20,000 to at least two qualifying Gold Star Families with children 18 and under each year. The program is meant to provide financial assistance towards raising and providing for Gold Star Children. At least one Gold Star Family of a fallen Navy SEAL will be selected, as well as one Gold Star Family of a fallen servicemember of any branch that is regionally local to the Quad Cities IA/IL area.

After receiving the endowment the Gold Star Children are automatically enrolled in the Birthday Card Program. Through this program each Gold Star Child will received a birthday card and $100 on each birthday until they are eighteen, at which time they will receive a final birthday card and $200. Applying for and/or accepting a Gold Star Family Endowment will not exclude a family from receiving Legacy Buddies Grants.

Gold Star Family Endowment Program Qualification Criteria


  1. Must meet the true definition of a Gold Star Family.
        Def.: A Gold Star Family is the immediate family member(s) spouse, domestic partner, partner in a civil union, parent, brother, sister, child, legal guardian, or other legal custodian, whether of the whole or half blood or by adoption, of a fallen service member who died while serving in a time of conflict.
  2. Children of fallen service member must be 18 years of age or under.

Want to apply for someone else?

Have questions?  Here’s some important FAQs.


We select a minimum of one Gold Star family per year but strive for a minimum of two families per year to support with a large financial gift.  Of the past and current families we serve/select, a smaller financial gift for Gold Star children is sent to the child/children on their birthday with a birthday card and personal message each year until their 18th birthday.  As funds and support allows, we will select more families/children to support.

What is the process for Gold Star Family selection?

SEAL Family Legacy has a Board of Directors that is responsible for reviewing all applications and selecting Gold Star families.

Once an application is received, it is reviewed at the following month’s board meeting.

A representative from the Board will reach out to the applicant after the board meeting to verify information and interview the primary adult family member.  At some point, a video call may be requested.  Selected families will be notified no later than May of the current year if the form is submitted by April 15th in the same year or by May of the following year if the form is submitted after April 15th of the current year (this gives us time to raise as much funds as possible to be able to select as many families as possible).


We are a 100% volunteer 501c3 non profit organization, comprised of both veterans and civilians that:

  1. raise awareness for service men/women with children who were killed in service,
  2. supports the immediate family/children they left behind with a financial donation(s), and
  3. supports the children left behind by instilling the message that they have their own legacy; their life must go on and the loss of their parent does not define who they are or who they can become.

At this time, SEAL Family Legacy hosts an annual ride for any vehicle that can maintain the posted speed limit on highways and interstates. This ride is typically held on the 3rd Saturday each July.

The 3rd Friday in July, an annual gala will be held with a special guest speaker and an auction.

-Gold Star Families selected each year as well as Navy SEALs will be in attendance at both above mentioned events.

Each May, a business event is held for businesses interested in learning more about SEAL Family Legacy.

The most up-to-date event information will always be posted to our Facebook page.